I'll start off with a drawing I've already done.
It was mainly drawn so that I could have a sketch that could cater to my colouring needs. ;)
It appears that alot of people like the character (
I've also been planning a project with a good friend of mine in Chemistry class. We have decided to sketch up an extremely cheesy, horribly written comic about gaming. Oh yeah. Sweet. With already have sketches up of all the characters (Us, and all our friends, specifically), brainstormed everything and should start it next week.
Also, as the titled stated, I do have a small artwork in progress... Here's just a snippet of it~

And I am so, so, sooooo very sorry about not posting any new posts. OTL
I'll try to post more often, I swear!
Anyway, on a different note, I just want to direct everyone to my bestie's blog right over here:
Her stuff is way cooler then mine, so go have a look.
That's all I can think of typing right now. I may post up something for Halloween, but I'm not quiet sure right this moment.
And now, I leave you with a song:
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